KEY: L-Live, C-Cadaver, B-Bone, S-Synthetic
Videos featuring man's best friend.
Videos for these larger than life animals.
Videos featuring cats and cat specific procedures.
Abdominal Closure - Abdominal Closure Female - C / LSU
Abdominal Closure - Abdominal Incision Male - C / LSU
Abdominal - Exploratory - C - LSU
Anatomy - Post Spay - L / LSU
Anatomy - Skeletal Thoracic Limb - B / LSU
Dermatology - Aspiration - L / LSU
Dermatology - Dermatophyte Culture - L / LSU
Dermatology - Ear Cytology - L / LSU
Dermatology- Skin Cytology - L / LSU
Dermatology - Skin Scraping - L / LSU
Gastrointestinal - Gastropexy - C / LSU
Gastrointestinal - Gastrotomy - C / LSU
Gastrointestinal - Resection & Anastomosis - C / LSU
Reproductive - Closed Castration - C / LSU
Reproductive - Closed Castration - L / MSState
Reproductive - Closed Castration - L / LMU
Reproductive - Open Castration - C / LSU
Reproductive - Ovariohysterectomy - C / LSU
Reproductive - Ovariohysterectomy - L / MSState
Theriogenology - Semen Collection - L / LMU
Theriogenology - Semen Concentration - L / LMU
Urinary - Cystotomy - C / LSU
Surgical Prep - Draping for Shelter Neuter - L / LMU
Surgical Prep - Draping for Shelter Neuter - L / LMU
Surgical Prep - Draping Shelter OHE - L / LMU
Reproductive - Shelter Neuter - L / LMU
Reproductive - Shelter OHE - L / LMU
Ortho- CCL - Extracapsular Repair - B / MSState
Ortho- CCL - Extracapsular Repair- w/ Bone Anchor - B / MSState
Ortho- MPL Trochlear Wedge Recession - B / MSState
Ortho- Femur Fracture - Retrograde Placement of IM Pin - B / MSState
Ortho- Femur Fracture - Antegrade Placement of IM Pin - B / MSState
Ortho- Cerclage Wire Technique - Twist - B / MSState
Ortho- Cerclage Wire Technique - Twist w/ wire Passer - B / MSState
Ortho- Cerclage Wire Technique - Single Loop - B / MSState
Ortho- Cerclage Wire Technique - Double Loop - B / MSState
Surgical Prep - Proper Leg Tie Placement - B / MSState
Clinical Skills - Physical Exam - L / LSU
Anesthesia - Catheter Placement- L / LMU
Clinical Skills - BAL - L / ORST
Clinical Skills - NGT - L / ORST
Clinical Skills - Tracheotomy - C /ORST
Clinical Skills - TTW - L / ORST
Orthopedic - Lag Screw Placement - C / LSU
Ophthalmology - AP Nerve Block - L / ORST
Ophthalmology - Aqueous Injection - C /ORST
Ophthalmology - SC Injection - C /ORST
Ophthalmology - SO Nerve Block - L / ORST
Ophthalmology - SPL - C /ORST
Ophthalmology - Ophthalmic Exam - L /ORST
Ophthalmology - Vitreous Injection - C /ORST
Upper Respiratory - Frontonasal Bone Flap - C / LSU
Upper Respiratory- Maxillary Bone Flap - C / LSU
Urinary - Urinary Catheter - L / ORST
Clinical Skills - Physical Exam - L / LSU
Clinical Skills - Half Limb Wrap - S/ ORST - NEW!
Clinical Skills - Full Limb Wrap - S/ ORST- NEW!
Clinical Skills - Wrap Removal - S/ ORST- NEW!
Orthopedic -Front Limb Splint - S/ ORST- NEW!
Clinical Skills - Intravenous Catheter Setup - L/ ORST- NEW!
Clinical Skills - Intravenous Injection & Blood Collection - L/ ORST- NEW!
Clinical Skills - Vacutainer Blood Collection - L/ ORST- NEW!
Clinical Skills - Intravenous Catheter Placement - L/ ORST- NEW!
Clinical Skills - Arterial Blood Collection - L/ ORST- NEW!
Clinical Skills - Facial Sinus Blood Collection - L/ ORST- NEW!
Gastrointestinal - Abdominocentesis Setup - L/ ORST- NEW!
Gastrointestinal - Abdominocentesis - L/ ORST- NEW!
Anesthesia - Epidural Catheter - L/ ORST- NEW!
Anesthesia - Epidural Injection - L/ ORST- NEW!
Clinical Skills - Cranial Nerve Exam - L/ ORST- NEW!
Ophthalmology - Nasolacrimal Flush - L/ ORST- NEW!
Neurological - CSF Tap: C1-C2 - L/ ORST- NEW!
Orthopedic - Front Foot Evaluation - L/ ORST- NEW!
Orthopedic - Palmar Digital Nerve Block - L/ ORST- NEW!
Orthopedic - Abaxial Nerve Block - L/ ORST- NEW!
Orthopedic - Low Four Point Block - L/ ORST- NEW!
Orthopedic - Hind Foot Evaluation - L/ ORST- NEW!
Reproductive - Neuter - L / MSState
Reproductive - Neuter - L / LMU
Reproductive - Cat Neuter Model - S / MSState
Reproductive - Neuter Model - S / LMU
Reproductive - Ovariohysterectomy - L / LSU
Reproductive - Ovariohysterectomy - L / MSState
Necropsy - Bone Marrow Extraction - C / ORST
Necropsy - Brain Extraction- C / ORST
Necropsy - Ear Examination and Eye Extraction - C / ORST
Necropsy - Organ Dissection - C / ORST
Reproductive - Shelter Neuter - L / LMU
Surgical Prep - Draping for Shelter OHE - L / LMU
Reproductive - Shelter OHE - L / LMU
Necropsy - Sample Collection - C / ORST
Necropsy - Necropsy Technique - C / ORST
Clinical Skills - Physical Exam - L / LSU
Videos featuring cows and cow-specific procedures.
Necropsy - Cavity Opening - C / ORST
Necropsy - Brain Extraction Pt. 1 - C / ORST
Necropsy - Brain Extraction Pt. 2 - C / ORST
Necropsy - Organ Dissection: Intestines - C / ORST
Necropsy - Organ Dissection: PLUCK - C / ORST
Necropsy - Organ Removal - C / ORST
Necropsy - Cavity Sample Collection - C / ORST
Necropsy - Organ Dissection: Stomachs - C / ORST
Necropsy - Organ Dissection: Ural Genital - C / ORST
Clinical Skills - Physical Exam - L / LSU
Videos featuring rodents and rodent-specific procedures.
Clinical Skills - Handling - L / ORST
Clinical Skills - Physical Exam - L / ORST
Non-species specific videos.
Anesthesia - Catheter Placement Model SA - S / LMU
Anesthesia - Gas Disconnect - S / LMU
Anesthesia - Intubation Model SA - S / LMU
Anesthesia - Pressure Check - S / LMU
Clinical Pathology - Blood Glucose Measurement - L / LMU
Clinical Pathology - Blood Smear: Slide Prep - L / LMU
Clinical Pathology - Blood Urea Nitrogen Measurement - L / LMU
Clinical Pathology - Centrifuged Packed Cell Volume - L / LMU
Clinical Pathology - Packed Cell Volume Determination - L / LMU
Clinical Pathology - Total Protein Determination by Refractometer - L / LMU
Closure - Intradermal Skin Closure - C / MSState
Closure - Linea Closure - C / MSState
Closure - Subcutaneous Fat Closure - C / MSState
Dermatology - Punch Biopsy LEFTY - C / LSU
Incision - Linea Incision - C / MSState
Incision - Skin Incision - C / LSU
Incision - Skin Incision for OVH - C / MSState
Incision - Straight Skin Incision LEFTY - C / LSU -
Incision - Subcutaneous Dissection Incision - C / MSState
Incision - Subcutaneous Incision and Push Cutting - C / LSU
Surgical Prep - Abdominal Surgical Prep SA - C / LSU
Surgical Prep - Closed Gloving - S / MSState
Surgical Prep - Hanging Limb Rough Prep SA - C / LSU
Surgical Prep - Open Gloving - S / MSState
Surgical Prep - Scalpel Blade: Loading - S / LMU
Surgical Prep - Scalpel Blade: Loading LEFTY - C / LSU
Surgical Prep - Scalpel Blade: Unloading - S / LMU
Surgical Prep - Scalpel Blade: Unloading LEFTY - C / LSU
Surgical Prep - Sterile Patient Prep - C / MSState
Surgical Prep - Surgical Draping for OVH - C / MSState
Suture - 3 Clamp Technique - S / MSState
Suture - Buried Knot - S / MSState
Suture - Circumferential Ligature - S / MSState
Suture - Cruciate - S / LSU
Suture - Cruciate - S / MSState
Suture - Cushing - S / MSState
Suture - D.A.S.I.E. Model Lab - S / ORST
Suture - Ford Interlocking Suture - C / LSU
Suture - Ford Interlocking Suture - C / MSState
Suture - Horizontal Mattress Suture - C / LSU
Suture - Horizontal Mattress Suture - C / MSState
Suture - Intradermal Suture Pattern - S / ORST
Suture - Intradermal/Subcuticular - S / MSState
Suture - Lembert - S / MSState
Suture - Modified 3 Clamp Technique - S / MSState
Suture - Modified Millers Knot - S / MSState
Suture - Near Far Far Near Suture - C / LSU
Suture - One Hand Tie - S / MSState
Suture - Simple Continuous - S / LSU
Suture - Simple Continuous - S / MSState
Suture - Simple Interrupted - S / LSU
Suture - Simple Interrupted LEFTY - C / LSU
Suture - Simple Interrupted - S - / MSState
Suture - Simple Throw vs Surgeons Throw - S / MSState
Suture - Transfixation Ligature - S / MSState
Suture - Two Hand Tie - S / MSState
Suture - Vertical Mattress Suture - C / LSU
Suture - Vertical Mattress - S - MSState
Theriogenology - Semen Morphology Slide Prep - L / LMU
Surgical Prep - Disposable Glove and Gown Setup - S / LMU
Surgical Prep - Donning Disposable Gown and Glove - S / LMU
Surgical Prep - Closed Glove Exchange - S / LMU
Surgical Prep - Contaminated Gown Removal in Surgery - S / LMU
Surgical Prep - Wrapping General Surgery Pack - S / LMU
Necropsy - PPE Basics - S / ORST
Necropsy- Instrument Setup and Sampling SA - S / ORST
Necropsy - Lab Orientation - S / ORST
Gastrointestinal - Enterotomy - Longitudinal Closure- Simple Interrupted - C /MSState
Gastrointestinal - Enterotomy - Longitudinal Closure- Simple Continuous - C /MSState
Gastrointestinal - Enterotomy - Transverse Closure - C / MSState
Gastrointestinal - Intestinal Biopsy - C / MSState
Gastrointestinal - Omentalization - C / MSState
Gastrointestinal - Resection and Anastomosis - C / MSState
Gastrointestinal - Gastrotomy - C / MSState
Gastrointestinal - Intestinal Punch Biopsy - C / MSState
Surgical Prep - Rough Patient Prep - S / MSState
Surgical Prep- Sterile Patient Prep - S / MSState
Surgical Prep- Draping - S / MSState
Surgical Prep- Instrument Table Setup - S / MSState
Surgical Prep- Landmarks for Draping SA - Spay - S / MSState
Surgical Prep- Landmarks for Draping SA - Neuter - S / MSState
Urinary- Cystotomy SA - C / MSState
Surgical Prep - Gowning and Gloving - S / MSState
Surgical Prep - Surgeons Scrub - S / MSState
Surgical Prep - Surgeons Scrub - Alcohol Base - S / MSState
Dental - Dental Extraction Instrument Setup - L / LMU
Dental - Dental Unit Setup - L / LMU
Anesthesia - Anesthesia Instruments Review - S / LMU
Anesthesia - Pressure Check - S / LMU
Parasitology - McMaster Flotation - L/ ORST
Parasitology - Sugar Centrifugation - L/ ORST
Parasitology - Sedimentation - L /ORST
Parasitology - Wet Mount - L/ ORST
Simple Interrupted - Suture Pattern - S/ ORST
Anesthesia - Equipment Overview: DRE Premier XP - S/ LSU
Anesthesia - Circle System Pressure Check - S/ LSU
Anesthesia - Bain System Pressure Check - S/ LSU
Orthopedic - Lag Screw Placement - S/ ORST- NEW!
Anesthesia - Induction Station Setup & Pressure Check - S/ ORST- NEW!
Anesthesia - Ohmeda Crossover Setup - S/ ORST- NEW!
Anesthesia - Ventilator Setup Ohmeda 7800 - S/ ORST- NEW!
Virology - TEM Grid Prep - S/ ORST - NEW!
Virology - TEM Grid Loading - S/ ORST - NEW!
Virology - TEM Virus Identification - S/ ORST - NEW!
Virology - TEM Overview - S/ ORST - NEW!
Canine - Abdominal - Splenectomy - C / LSU
Suture - Cruciate LEFTY - C / LSU
Suture - Horizontal Mattress LEFTY - C / LSU
Suture - Simple Continuous LEFTY - C / LSU
Canine - Dental - Surgical Extraction of Maxillary Canine Tooth - C / LMU
Dental - Surgical Extraction of Maxillary 4th Pre-Molar - C / LMU
Skill - Necropsy- Instrument Setup and Sampling SA - S / ORST
Equine - Necropsy - Cavity Opening - C /ORST
Equine - Necropsy - Organ Dissection: Internal Organs - C /ORST
Equine - Necropsy - Organ Dissection: Intestines - C /ORST
Canine - Anesthesia Pre-Medication- Anesthesia - L / LSU
Skill - Anesthesia Instrument Overview - Anesthesia - S / LSU
Canine - Catheter Placement - Anesthesia- L/ LSU
Skill - Induction & Intubation Equipment Overview - Anesthesia - S/ LSU
Canine - Induction & Intubation - Anesthesia - L/ LSU
Skill - Circuit Setup Circle System - Anesthesia - S/ ORST
Skill - Circuit Setup Non-Rebreather - Anesthesia - S/ ORST
Skill - Anesthesia Induction Setup SA - Anesthesia - S/ ORST
Skill - Catheterization SA - Anesthesia - L/ ORST
Skill - Intubation SA - Anesthesia - L/ ORST
Skill - Monitoring Under Anesthesia - Anesthesia - L/ ORST
Canine - OVH Chalk Talk - Spay Neuter - S/ ORST
Canine - Neuter Chalk Talk - Spay Neuter - S/ ORST
Canine - Orthopedic Exam - Orthopedic - L/ ORST
Canine - Orthopedic Exam - High Energy Tips - Orthopedic - L/ ORST
Equine - Organ Removal - Abdomen - Necropsy - C/ ORST
Equine - Organ Removal - Head And Neck - Necropsy - C/ ORST
Equine - Organ Removal - Thorax - Necropsy - C/ ORST
Equine - Organ Dissection - Necropsy - C/ ORST
Equine - Brain Removal - Necropsy - C/ ORST
Canine - Organ Removal - Necropsy - C/ ORST
Canine - Organ Dissection - Necropsy - C/ ORST
Equine - CSF Tap: Atlanto Occipital - Neurological - C/ ORST
Camelid - Abortion Screen Setup: Alpaca - Necropsy- C/ ORST
Canine - Brain Extraction - Necropsy- C/ ORST
Camelid - Abortion Screen Sampling: Alpaca - Necropsy- C/ ORST
Camelid - Internal Organs - Anatomy - Incidental Findings: Alpaca - Necropsy- C/ ORST