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A Summer Review: 2021

We did it! We survived the busiest summer in Pyxis history. It was a whirlwind of travel and filming, but the results make every flight worth it. If you're keeping score, we traveled over 13,000 miles this summer and can tell you which airlines are our favorites. From adding two new Exero Vet schools, to beginning production on our next platform, Pyxis grew this summer, and we are in a better place thanks to that growth.

In Other News

I know this is an Exero Vet article, and I promise I will recap the summer and tell you all about what's coming next for Exero Vet but first, let's take a second to appreciate some of our new ventures.

We started the summer in Florida working with our new friends at VetFolio, helping them dip their toes into the exciting world of virtual reality. We were able to create some great new content for them and take part in some early season team bonding which included a trip to Top Golf.

Part of the team returned a few weeks later to present our work on behalf of VetFolio to the conference goers at the first in-person VMX since COVID-19.

Our next stop brought us to Los Angeles, where we started filming for our newest platform. While, I cannot talk too much about it at this time I will say that we shot over 50 videos in a week and had time to take in a Dodgers game.

Exero Vet Grows

Summer is not complete without crazy long trips across the country filming with some of the finest veterinary professionals in the industry. We started the madness at the University of Tennessee. This was our first time filming there, and we got our money's worth. Be on the lookout for a robust theriogenology library thanks to Dr. Prado and his team.

Next up we flew to the northeast to work with another new-to-us school, Tufts. Dr. Karlin and the faculty at Tufts University welcome us with open arms. I'm most excited about the collection of Alpaca videos we filmed. These animals kept us on our toes and gave us a few good laughs.

Our entire summer was not all work. Team bonding is everything, and we took in a Red Sox game at the historic Fenway Park as well as a game in the famed Cape Cod Baseball League.

After a short turnaround we made our way to Oregon State. Our third year at one of my personal favorites. Be on the lookout for some introduction to imaging videos as well as new necropsy videos. Did we go to a baseball game while we were there? No, but we did do some hiking at Crater Lake National Park.

What's Next

Now it's time to sleep. Just kidding. Now it's time to sort through 100+ Exero Vet videos and the 60+ additional videos. The post-production process is long and tedious, but we are excited about what is to come.

Have you always wanted Exero Vet to film for FREE at your school? Reach out to us so we can schedule a demo soon.



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