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North by Northwest

Michael Krikorian

North by Northwest

Well, our final filming trip is in the books, and it was a good one. Our journey took us to the great Pacific Northwest to film in Pullman, Washington, at Washington State University. It was a brand new school for us and our first time filming there. Filming at a school for the first time has many challenges. Not the least, of which is just getting familiar with a new campus and figuring out where we will be and what we will be doing. We usually know who we will be filming with before arrival, but we rarely know what we will be filming and where making our first day of meetings very valuable. The folks at WSU quickly dispelled our anxieties and took good care of us.

No Break From The Heat

One thing they could not help with, unfortunately, was the unprecedented heat wave we apparently brought with us up north from New Orleans. We had been looking forward to this trip to get a nice week-long break from the Nola Pressure Cooker, only to find ourselves living in the upper 90s and even touching 100 throughout the week. As for myself, I found myself at a loss for words upon learning that many people in this region have no central air conditioning because they don’t need it—a concept I still have a hard time grasping. Box fans were the MVP of the week. The house we stayed in was itself a time capsule of sorts, as the decor looked seemingly untouched since 1967. We’re talking about floral print couches, red velvet chairs, wood paneling, decorative lions, and at least three clocks in every room. Grandmothers everywhere would have rated it a 10 out of 10. It was amazing.

Time at WSU

Our time on the campus was wonderful. One of the best parts of what we do is working closely with faculty; the faculty at WSU were terrific. We started our week working with Dr. Bunch on rehabilitation videos and ended our week capturing live surgeries with Dr. Campbell. Of course, we worked with other faculty members in between those two, so stay tuned for the video releases.

If you’re worried about our time in the heat, don’t be. We found some ways to stay cool. Ferdinand’s Ice Cream Shoppe was precisely what the doctor ordered, and let us not forget the greatness that is Cougar Gold Cheddar Cheese (both made from the school’s dairy).

Back to the Coast

Our trip was bookended by stops in Seattle, which were very fun. The weather was much better on the coast, and it was great to see some incredible topography. Many miles were put on the electric scooter population in the city, which was fun and convenient. We were able to get to many of Seattle’s greatest hits, including the fish market, the waterfront, breweries, and we caught Mariners AND Seahawks games.

It’s been a long summer of filming, and as great as it’s been, we are happy to be home and start cranking these videos out. As a company, we have one more big trip coming up to Phoenix for the Veterinary Hospital Managers Association Conference. We will be showcasing our new “Vet First'' learning management system or LMS. It’s our new baby, and we are excited to show it off!

A lot of irons are still in the fire as the summer comes to a close. We will be working hard and hoping those irons stay hot and not the weather.



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